3 months ago
good morning my friend,I need your help.last week ,In a game on the Crash map, there was a player with the nickname Marxmann or Marmann, who always hit the target and knew where the players were going to appear. He had 150 kills with only 4 deaths. He had us annoyed. I just told him I asked if he was a good player or was he using Cheat Hack. Obviously it was an administrator who didn't like the question and kicked me out. Even on the lock screen it said ::: Marxmann. He also gave the excuse that I was using hack software, but I never used it. Please rectify this injustice.How can I do to resolve this?thank you very much..... when he kicked me off the map to cover up he put this on the ban screen...US_CS: Marxman not hacking, you are the one who hacking, Multihack.....US_CS: Marxman not hacking, you are the one who hacking, Multihack..