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Tarzan-nVts- Head Admin
Tinkerbell-nVts- 20 days ago
Tarzan, I'd like to apply again to become a member. I tried filling out the membership application but after I completed it, I said I couldn't "view this page". Any ideas? I will start visiting this site daily if required. Tinkerbell
Xovak_13 about 1 month ago
Hello Tarzan. I am writing to you so that you can do me the favor of guiding me on how to proceed with my appeal. I have made an appeal and you very kindly answered me. I need help, I am writing again my problem and your answer in case you don't remember now. you can help me better. last week ,In a game on the Crash map, there was a player with the nickname Marxmann or Marmann, who always hit the target and knew where the players were going to appear. He had 150 kills with only 4 deaths. He had us annoyed. I just told him I asked if he was a good player or was he using Cheat Hack. Obviously he was an administrator who didn't like the question and kicked me out. Even on the lock screen it said ::: Marxmann. He also gave the excuse that I was using hack software, but I never used it. Please rectify this injustice. Almost a day ago you responded to this message, which I appreciate. Xovak, you have been ban for ban evading, in first you have been ban under your alias kar98k the 19/06/2024 for wh and I didn't see you appeal. so you come back under this name xovak with an another ip, its a ban evad. I don't know why you didn't appeal with your name kar98k ?  Yes, initially they banned me with that nickname, I didn't know that if you change your nickname the ban also follows. That's why I tried to enter.And the second ban appears to me due to ban evasion.I didn't know that you could complain so I tried to enter again.At no time did I change the IP number. I'm from Cuba and it's impossible to do so here. The initial ban was unfair and arbitrary, just for asking someone in a respectful manner if they were good at gaming or if they were hacking. The second was due to ignorance. I don't think they should do this to me. Thank you anyway brother At no time did I cheat of any kind, I just asked respectfully, but sometimes some people's ego is bigger than their reasoning... I don't think I deserve a permanent ban for that. But hey, they already did it to me... If you could tell me how else to proceed, it would be of great help and I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance, brother
Deske76 10 months ago
Hi Tarzan! I am puzzled by the fact that I was banned from the server for a month because I allegedly spoke badly on the server yesterday, which I don't even understand the basis for, it is true that there were two cheaters on yesterday, of which I have a demo recording, but I don't remember that I spoke badly during this time. I don't think that happened, I don't do that, but please look it up. I would like to ask you to cancel it, because this punishment is baseless... You know that I like to play on the server and I don't break any rules. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, Deske76!
m21 monster 10 months ago
Hi Tarzan. after 7 month playing on this server i got banned for wh.. I'm clean, I can send a demo if you want. pls unban me, i just wanna play on this server
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