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Gladiator-nVts- Director
Boomer65a-nVts- 3 months ago
Gladiator, can you unlock my acct in Echelon? I haven't changed it but it was not taking my p/w. If you can't, who do I need to talk to so I can regain access? Thanks --- Boomer
Gary 6 months ago
Hi Gladiator, Gary here. Can you please lift my ban. I haven't done anything wrong! I changed my FPS per admin to 250 and still got banned for FPS being over 250 which it is not.
leadforyou 7 months ago
Hi Gladiator, I'm puzzled by the ban you issued on me for aim assist. I do not have knowledge on this type of hack, or any hacks for that matter. Would you work with me to resolve this ban? Thanks, LeadForYou
BoomMikey-nVts- 9 months ago
hey dad, I wonder if I can help RisingStorms schedule the days for the event to help him, I can put it on events calnerder on discord or email him when he want to have it so he could put it on the event tab on discord dad I would like to help him out with the events stuff dad. BoomMikey
Gladiator-nVts- 9 months ago
Hi Mikey... Brian, RisingStorm is on leave at the moment His Father died a few days ago....
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