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JayJay-nVts- Head Admin
GhtGhoster about 1 month ago
It's unfortunate that an otherwise seemingly great organization like Nova Veterans still employ people such as JayJay. After joining a CoD4 server for the first time ever on freshly purchased copy of the game from steam, I immediately got mistaken for someone else and permabanned. After clarifying this mistake to the admins in a ban appeal form, unfortunately JayJay decided to ignore the evidence and accuse me of various hate crimes. Even after offering to provide anything they'd ask for, my access to the topic was removed. It's clear to see that this organization pours love into their content, so it's even more baffling as to how JayJay remains in a position of power given the multiple incidents they've caused, clearly visible on their profile feed. It's honestly sad to see JayJay degrading this organization by themselves.
JayJay-nVts about 1 month ago
so its my fault you were caught spaming the "n" word? get a grip.
BOPOH 4 months ago
What is the aimbot? The accusation is groundless. then give evidence, but it is impossible. I've been playing this game for 10 years now, of course intermittently. I've never used cheats, it's beneath me. I wonder what you would say if I had a small ping on the local servers as before and was not too lazy to put on headphones as before. and the ip address may change for the same reason that I have a bad ping. this is called dynamic ip, as it usually happens if you use the mobile Internet. unsubstantiated accusations, very democratic.
Co? 6 months ago
About my ban… I understand that. but can't we show some understanding for a player who came back to the game after many years, installed cfg and didn't look at it? I am not a racist and I do not tolerate this type of behavior. I think I was banned too hastily. cfg is fixed
diablo 7 months ago
jayjay can you please remove my band I did use offensive words and I've got a temporary band and it's been a month still can't join the servers I won't swear again If I did band me permanently
KaRTeLbKa 12 months ago
Доброго дня , грав цілий день ось тількищо зловив бан ! не знаю в чом проблема нічого не порушував ! reason for this ban: english only .. не не порушував і нічого не писав стосовно політики та образливого ! будь ласка розбаньте ! нік KaRTeLbKa
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